Rabu, 17 Agustus 2011

Dating Strategies and Tactics

To find a long term relationship, you must go after it. It
probably isn't going to fall into your lap.

Here are some tips to improve your success.

1. You have to go after the one you want and then win them
over. Be a friend - show attention, understanding,
acceptance, and appreciation.

2. Satisfy emotional needs- show interest and listen to
them. Spark a romantic emotion. Romance is a combination of
hope with some doubt and it adds up to passion. People want
what they can't have.

3. The third part of love is respect. It is earned through
your actions. You must show an independent and confident
personality. You can live with them or without them. You are
in no hurry and aren't desperate.

4. You really have to date several people at once. It will
make you look like a great catch. When you have multiple
options, anyone who wants to be with you will work much
harder. Instead of you doing the chasing, they will be
chasing you. This takes the pressure off of yourself. You
really want to date a few people anyway before jumping from
one long term relationship to another.

Dating Strategies to keep in mind:

You must be happy with yourself before you will have
success. Be kind to yourself and turn off the negative
thoughts. You can change what you can and forget the rest.
Don't worry about things you can't change. If you can't
change them, all the worry in the world wont do any good.

Set some goals and write them down. You must make a plan
with a clear path you want to follow.

You must set aside a night each week to get out of the
house. Go where others gather. Check the paper for ideas
and get out there. How many people have you met at your
house? Force yourself to go out anyway. It is only one night
a week, you can still sit on the couch the other six nights.
You aren't going to find new people unless you actually go

There are single and available people all over the place.
Nearly every place you go, has single people if you LOOK.
Start simple don't go after the hottest person(too much
pressure). Talk to the average person, get a phone number
and move on. It really is a simple two step process. Meet
and greet, a short conversation with eye contact and then
say Great meeting you, but I have got to run; could I get
your number? The Key is to RELAX. The more you do this the
easier it gets.

Take the initiative and be the first to show interest in
them. It shows confidence. You are only trying to get that
first date. Don't start fretting about your wedding and
future children just yet. Keep it simple. But you must do
it yourself, no one will do it for you. Don't let an
opportunity pass by, get that phone number and go from

Rejection is part of the dating game. Don't take it
personal, not everyone is going to want to date you. They
may not be dating at all right now. You never know unless
you ask. Don't be afraid of looking foolish, we all look
foolish all the time. Use positive reactions in the face of
rejection. You aren't worried if they say no. You asked and
that is the most important thing. One more no means you
didn't waste your time and money on someone who isn't even
interested. Plus you are just closer to finding the one who
is interested. It is all practice and will make you a
master at dating that much quicker.

Get out of the house and start looking tonight.

14 Ways To Find A Husband

Perhaps you don't meet people in the course of your daily life, or you're not connecting with the right type of person. First of all decide what you have to offer to a future partner, by working out what sort of things interest you. No one is going to like all these options, but they are ways of widening your circle of friends.

Golfing is a male activity, get lessons and join them on the course. Men network on the golf course all the time, take it further and progress to flirting. Even if you are not good at sports, the men will most often be encouraging of your efforts.

2 GO TO A SPORTS BAR ON GAME NIGHT Why watch big sporting events at home when you can hang out a sports bar complete with big-screen TV, electronic sports games? This is a particularly good way to meet people if you are sporty yourself, impress the guys with your knowledge. Sport is a participation event and it is a lot more fun watching in a group than alone.

3.VOLUNTEER TO WORK FOR A NON PROFIT ORGANISATION. People who are prepared to give a little of their free time are often very caring people, capable of passion and commitment, there are loads of group activities, that mean you can widen your circle of friends, with the same interests. There is always the possibility of a relationship progressing to a date.

If you are politically inclined and have an interest in which you are prepared to give up some time, this is a good way to find a date. Not only that but you can be sure if you have both joined to fight for the same cause, then you have at least one thing in common. If it does not work to find a date than you have lost nothing, but will have at least widened your circle of friends.

You do not have to be academic here, it is not necessary to study Physics. Find out about something that you have always wanted to learn. Take the time to study another language, or do something "arty". Art classes depending where you live, cover a very wide base from sculptor, to water colors. Men can always be found in a class about car maintenance etc.

Marketing yourself to find a mate is not always easy. Take some advice from friends who have embarked on a successful long term relationship. If you are always attracting the wrong sort of person, ask a friend why they think that is the case. If you have a healthy emotional life, you should spot fairly on in a relationship that someone is going to hurt you. Realise your own worth, some women do really believe that they are not worthy of being loved. Boost your self esteem. If low self esteem is a problem, then try and look at the tip below.

Men sometimes tend to be more into self improvement than women. However, any body who has taken the steps to enrol and participate in this type of activity are probably sensitive, the chances are they are also looking to interact with other sensitive people. It's a great way for men to find out how women think. Be positive you may not meet the man of your dreams but will probably have boosted your self esteem.

Even if you are fit and healthy you can always find men in a gym. If you are not fit, then getting fit is a great way to boosting you self esteem. Being fit gives you a better outlook on life and you feel much better. You are also more relaxed when you look your best.

Buddha means the enlightened one, or one who is awake. Kasl gives you the best advice about how to make, but very significant changes in your life. Part of her advice is to literally make room for a partner in your life. If you have a single bed get a double, if you have only one pillow buy more. She also has some great tips for attracting new people in your life. This isn't mandatory by any means but it will appeal to you once you start reading.

Men are not lost souls, they are not hiding away. You will have far more chance of connecting with someone if you are personally fulfilled. If you are into sports big time consider competing in a marathon. Take a creative writing course, change you career. Make yourself happy, and have some fun

Even small towns have historical societies, which will search and record the local events in your area in the past. Most of the will probably be male .

12. GET COOKING O. K. so you know how to cook, often men do not and they will join a cookery class. This is a good one - believe me.

Here is were you can guarantee that you will find someone with similar interests and intellectual pursuits.

Since the earliest days of mankind, a woman can show a man she is interested in him, the smart one's let him think he is doing the chasing. This is the twenty first century and you can show a man you are interested in him. Catch his eye and then immediately look away, but then look back at him. If he finds you attractive, he will think he has fond you, and will most often make a move.